Photograph Showing Col McKAY’s father, C. E. McKAY, with the Gold Dredging Company Natoma in Folsom, California, circa 1937. Col McKAY’s letter-to-the editor of “The Folsom Telegraph”, commenting on the photograph.

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Originally Posted in the Folsom Telegraph (April 19, 2018)

Reader Input

A familiar face in Vintage Folsom

Dear Editor,

With justifies pride and pleasant interest I sighted the “Vintage Folsom” column(“The old Natoma Company”) in the May 19, 2018, issue of the Folsom Telegraph.  My father, C(ameraon) E(dward) McKAY is shown. At the time of the photograph, he was an engineer with Natoma Company. He then worked as a project manager on a gold dredge property south of Battle Mountain, Nevada. During World War II, he was the executive officer (32nd Naval Construction Battalion), and commanding officer of the 301st Naval Construction Battalion, a dredging outfit operating in the Pacific Theater. He subsequently held eminent positions with U.S. mining companies in South America. His three sons , reared correctly, saw service as U.S. Marines. All three have been notably successful. C. E. “Mac” McKAY passed in Reno, Nevada in 1989.



Colonel, John C. McKay, USMC (Ret), of Fair Oaks